The 4th and 5th grade Christmas concert is tonight at 6:00 pm in the Newport Elementary Cafeteria.

The NHS Band Christmas Concert is tonight in the High School Auditorium at 6:00 pm.

JG, JB, SG, SB Basketball play tonight at HOME against Walnut Ridge beginning at 4:00 PM

LOCATION CHANGE: The 4th/5th Christmas Concert will be held at the Newport Elementary Cafeteria on Thursday, December 15 at 6:00 PM

7G, JG, SG basketball play at Home vs. Piggott at 5:00 pm

7B, JB, SB basketball play at Valley View at 5:00 pm

JB, SG, SB basketball play tonight at Hoxie at 5 pm.

NHS Afterschool Program will offer Science Experiments and Music today at 3:30-4:30 in the Freshman Academy.

JG, SG, SB basketball at Home vs. Melbourne 5 pm

7B, JB, SB basketball @ Manila starting at 5:00 pm

The Senior girls basketball team has won 2 games in the Carlisle Invitational and play again tomorrow at 4:30. The Senior boys play at 12:45 tomorrow.

SG basketball will play today in the Carlisle Invitational at 4:00.

The Esports team will play against Greene County Tech today.

The senior girls basketball team plays tonight at 4 in the Carlisle Tournament. The senior boys play at 5:15.

Join us for Coffee and Donuts tomorrow morning at 8-9 am at Greyhound Field and stay to watch the Hounds practice for the big game Friday!!

There will be NO SCHOOL next week, November 21-25, in observance of Thanksgiving.

The Hounds play at HOME tonight against Quitman! The game begins at 7.

The 7G, JG, and SG play at Wynne tonight beginning at 5.

The Thanksgiving meal will be served Thursday, November 17 in the cafeteria for students and staff.

Reminder: Students 6-12 bring in canned goods and other food items for the Great Turkey Challenge. These are due by November 16.