Bus 14 will be running late this afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
39 minutes ago, Joey McKnight
Bus 14 will be running late this afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience. Also Bus Drivers will use discretion on their routes concerning road conditions.
1 day ago, Joey McKnight
No baseball or softball games today, March 4th, due to weather Go Hounds!
1 day ago, Joey McKnight
Bus 7 will be running late this afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
2 days ago, Joey McKnight
Enjoy another Snow Day! Due to inclement weather, Newport School District will be closed on Thursday, February 20, 2025. Stay Safe and Warm!
14 days ago, Joey McKnight
Attention NSD Parents, Due to inclement weather high school will dismiss at 12:30pm today instead of 1:30pm. See below the updated releases times for Elementary: 11:45 - preK release 12:15 - k-5 car rider and early bus 12:35 bus dismissal
15 days ago, Joey McKnight
FINAL NOTICE: Order the 2025 Yearbook RESERVE YOUR YEARBOOK TODAY BEFORE WE SUBMIT OUR FINAL ORDER Time is running out to purchase the 2024 Newport High School yearbook. Reserve yours before 3/1 to guarantee your student a copy and to save the memories of this special year. We only have 50 books left for sale. This is the final call before we submit our order for printing. A payment plan is available at checkout when you order on www.jostensyearbooks.com or stop by Ms. Aitkens' room with your payment.
15 days ago, Newport School District
FYI 3A-3 Basketball District Tournament games for Tuesday, February 18th are postponed- Date and Time TBD.
16 days ago, Joey McKnight
Senior 2025 Parents, Click on the link below to Join the Seniors 2025 class on Remind to stay updated on upcoming senior events and scholarship applications! https://www.remind.com/join/candicelon?utm_medium=ios
16 days ago, Newport School District
The 2025 Arkansas Boys State and Girls State applications are in the Counseling Center.
16 days ago, Newport School District
Bus 21 will be running late this morning. Sorry for the inconvenience.
20 days ago, Joey McKnight
Attention NES Parents: The elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences are tomorrow, February 13th, from 2:15 to 6:30 p.m. Teachers have sent scheduled times home for parents to attend. We will have Early Dismissal tomorrow. K-5 Car Riders will dismiss at 1:15, PREK Car Riders will dismiss at 12:30, and Bus Riders will load at the Elementary school at 1:40.
21 days ago, Newport School District
Attention NHS Parents, This is a reminder that Parent-Teacher Conference is tomorrow Thursday, February 13th. Students will be released at 1:20 pm with PT conferences starting at 2:15 pm
21 days ago, Newport School District
Bus 21 will be running late this morning. Sorry for the inconvenience.
21 days ago, Joey McKnight
Attention NSD Parents: Due to the heavy rain drivers will use discretion concerning standing water on the bus routes. Thank You.
22 days ago, Joey McKnight
Greyhound Update Today, Feb 11th HOUNDS VS LISA North @ GREYHOUND FH @ 4:30 SB JV will play first and SB Varsity will follow. After the SB Varsity team, our pee wee teams will play.
22 days ago, Joey McKnight
Bus 21 will be running late this morning. Sorry for the inconvenience
22 days ago, Joey McKnight
Bus 21 will be running late this morning. Sorry for the inconvenience
23 days ago, Joey McKnight
Attention Elementary Parents, NO before or after school Enrichment Wednesday Feb. 5th due to sickness and school being out Thursday Feb 6th.
29 days ago, Joey McKnight
Attention NSD Parents: Bus 14 will be running late this afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
29 days ago, Newport School District