Health Occupations/Medical Professions offers the students several options and a very hands on approach with some of the subjects. Foundations of Healthcare is the level I class that focuses on the history of healthcare, the many different medical professions, and First Aid/CPR instruction with the students becoming CPR certified. Medical Terminology focuses on different body systems and the various disease processes and testing procedures for such diseases. This class is kept on the same body system as Anatomy and Physiology. Anatomy and Physiology is the study of the structure and function of the human body, disease processes of each system, and students get a hands on experience with dissection to learn more in depth and actually get to the actual structures such as the heart, eye, kidney and brain. These classes have several guest speakers throughout the year. The student organization HOSA has several projects and fundraisers throughout the year such as 2 American Red Cross Blood drives, The Teddy Bear Clinic at the elementary school, selling first aid kits and going to the HOSA State Leadership Conference next month.
CTE Program Spotlight--Medical Professions
February 21, 2023